Friday, July 15, 2011

NC 2011

In about 12 hours I will be heading towards NC. I think I have everything ready. I did an oil change and transmission change to the bike. I have posted a spotwalla website.

The Iphone should update automatically, if I remember to turn on Google Latitude. All the batteries are charged, the dry sack is packed and secured to the Motorcyc I have loaded the maps on the GPS. I have two cameras with me. I have loaded some tools just in case. I have two devices for music, my iphone and my Cowon S9 MP3 player.

I fixed a broken light on the bike and a blown fuse. I think they were related. Tomorrow morning I plan on leaving Colchester sometime before 7AM. I am meeting my fellow riding buddies in Southington.

Our first day will total about 500 miles. This should get us to Stephens City, VA. It will be a long day on the bike. More than 10 hours. The second day takes us into NC with another 500 mile day. We will on the road for about 12 hours.

After Day 2 things get a little better. Day 3: 370 Miles, Day 4: 370 miles, Day 5: 300 Miles. Day 5 brings us to Bloomsburg, PA for the BMW MOA International Rally. We will be there until Sunday. On Sunday, we have about 330 Mile trip home. Total Mileage will be around 2500 miles.

Well That is about all. I may try to post throughout the week here.

Many thanks to the Wife for allowing me to pursue my Motorcycle dreams without her I would have never thought to ride Motorcycles.